Tuesday, June 21, 2016

How to have a Productive Summer Vacation in 10 Awesome Ways

How to have a Productive Summer Vacation in 10 Awesome Ways

Summer is the time when we can relax, have fun, and do all the things we want that we couldn't do while we're stressing over school or work. I'm sure you, too, are very excited in making your summer productive and memorable.

I know some of you (in the Philippines) already started your classes in the month of June. If you're one of those people then you should definitely check out my 6 Strategies on How You Can Ace this School Year. I
 n my case, my summer continues because our school year 2016-2017 will start in August. Moreover, I guess most of you guys, even those in other countries, are just about to start their Summer Vacation which is a "hooray" and congratulations for surviving another year in school.

Tired of being a couch potato? Spending your whole summer in front of your TV or laptop watching Netflix all day?

I made a list for you guys on how you can make your summer as productive as it can be. Even though you've finished school, have a job, or just wanna hang out with the people who recently finished schooling, these things are still applicable to everyone.

1. Learn new things

"Oh, but Kyla, in school we already learn lessons and deal with quizzes and stuff and my mind is so drained!"

No, not that kind of learning (but it could be if you want to). I mean learn new things.
Want to become a super awesome Math quizzer? Then, you can take math lessons.
Want to beat the bullies in school? Take, Taekwondo or Karate lessons.
Want to get fit? Then, you can go to the gym and start burning those fats.
Want to become a swimmer? Then, you can take swimming lessons.

There are a lot of new things you can learn about. The only thing you need to keep in mind is if you are really passionate and eager to learn that activity or thing you want to learn, you're not only learning, but you, too, are enjoying and having fun of what you are doing. 

2. Join Organizations

There are a lot of types of Organization that you can join just make sure, again, that your interests or hobbies reflect to the doings of that group which you are about to get into. They may be helping people, teaching children, cleaning the environment, or redecorating walls (through painting).

Moreover, another good thing about joining a club or a group is you get to know more people with the same interests. You earn new friends, buddies, that will absolutely make your summer memorable.

3. Travel

"Kyla, travelling is expensive!"

No worries. Check out Feet Do Travel's 5 Practical Ways to Save Money for Travelling because they got you covered. :)

You can go places depending on your budget. Travelling doesn't have to be expensive. You can go to a resort in your city/town or have a little swim in the beach if you are near in a beach. There are so many places around you to spend a certain day.

But, if you have enough money to go abroad, then you can take that chance to spend your vacation. Japan, Paris, Maldives, there are a lot of countries you can go to. Moreover, watch out to some travel discounts online or on newspapers because those can save you a ton of money.

Always remember that you don't have to spend a lot of money for you to enjoy travelling into places. You can greatly enjoy somewhere with the people you love.

4. Improve one's self.

Not feeling good about yourself? Well, improving yourself is the best way you can do in summer. Improving yourself does not mean changing yourself in a bad way, but in a way that you feel more confident of youself and showing what you really are. If you're getting bullied the whole year, show that that you are not what they think you are. Take the chance of those days reserved for your vacation as a time for you to show more of yourself and improve whatever you have that you need to improve. How? Go back to the First and Second way I mentioned on this post.

5. Self-expression

I love to express myself in the most creative way as possible.

In your case, you can use self-expression to make or do things in the most spontaneous way can be. For instance, I love writing and writing articles has always been my passion since elementary. Hence, I use my writing skills to express myself through blogging about the tings I want to share, not only hones my writing skills, but also makes me feel good as a person of having a platform to share my insights.

If you love being in front of the camera making videos then you should probably check youtube-ing.

6. Try new Morning & Night Routines

I know you can still change your routine anytime even if it's not Summer Vacation but if you never had the chance you change it, then the time is now!

You can either try new products for your face, try new make-ups in the morning, or you can just experiment some products who knows? It may work out. Just be careful of experimenting a lot of products for it might make your face/skin worse.

7. Movie Marathon!

Who doesn't want to watch movies especially with your family, friends, or with someone you love (or with your pjs and comfy pillows)? We all, probably, do.

Since school is finally over, you can invite some friends and have a sleepover at your house, or have a Movie night with your family.

Moreover, you can go to the mall and watch newly-released movies in the cinemas.

8. Plan Ahead

This is for the kind of people who wants their future to be more organized or planned.

Try jotting down your goals for a day, week, month, year or so. Or, your goals or things you want to achieve for the next [school] year. I do  this sometimes before I sleep or sometimes when during the day something came up on my mind. You can have a small notebook where you can write those things down or you can use your phone as a reminder.

9. Earn Money

If you're a student like me, summer means no allowance. Your parents won't give you money for school because school is over and you probably lying in the couch, on your laptop, and you want to go to the mall and hang out with your friends but you have no earnings. Worry less, there are lots of ways you can earn money this summer.

Consider taking summer jobs. It's one of the best ways to earn money this summer. Moreover, you can wash your neighbor's car, walk someone's dog in the park, teach someone the things you're good at (for example you're good at sports), or sell stuff online or to your friends. There are a lot of options you can do to earn money during summer. You just have to be patient and hardworking to achieve your goals when it comes to earning enough money for yourself.

10. Have Fun

This is pretty basic but you wouldn't call a summer vacation when you never had fun memories spending it, right? You're probably doing a lot of things this summer but never forget to ask yourself, "am I having fun with this?" 

Make sure that the things that you are going to do during your vacation is something that you really want to do and something that you will enjoy and sprinkle it with awesome memories with the people you value most, may it be your family, friends, your boyfriend, or your pet. Then, there you go, you finally have a productive summer vacation.

So, these are ten simple ways you can do spice up your summer vacation. Always remember that the key of having the best summer vacation is to make the most out of it.

Don't forget to share these ways to your friends or people that you know who are still stressing over what activities they will do for summer. 
Add or follow me on my social media accounts. The links are here in my site. :)

You can also check out my May 2016 Favorites to see my obsessions in the month of May.
Have a happy summer!

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