Wednesday, June 28, 2017

How to get Cheap or Free Books

how to get cheap and free books

There are times when I look at my TBR list, looking through thousands and thousands of book titles on the list, and trying to ask myself on why I can't buy them all. And yes, it does happen to me tons of times. But that was before. I still do have those thoughts but I tried to lessen them after I found these was on how I can get cheap or free books.

I am a student and I solely depend on my parent's given allowance. If you want to know on how to earn money, you should definitely check out Effective Money-Saving Tips for Students.

So sometimes, whenever I visit a book shop, I wanted to buy tons of books but never really had enough budget. Most paperback books cost Php300-Php500 and Php599-Php1000+ for hardbounds.

Either you're a paperback or a hardback kind of person, you can now finally afford these books in these ways:

This is probably the best option to get cheap books. I know, there is a risk in buying secondhand books. What if there are torn pages? What if there are folds or highlights in the book? Hush now. You can get a quality second hand book if you check the pictures posted by the seller carefully. Not only that, you can negotiate to the seller and ask for more pictures of the book/s to ensure that you are getting the quality you want.

There are a lot of secondhand book sellers out there who sells books in very good condition, either read once or still brand new. I myself just started buying several second hand books recently and I can say that, I did get prices of a hardbound set for less than half of its original price and the condition of the books are great. I also saw sellers who sell their books in bundles in a very cheap price. For example, you can get 5 random contemporary books for only Php600. It's a pretty good deal, actually.

Amazon also sells used books. Check some of it here and maybe you'll see something you like.

Just keep in mind that the lesser the cost of the book, the lesser the quality.
However, there are also rushed sellers who sells books in a cheap price but still has a great condition.

Where can I buy second hand books? You probably ask.
You can buy books in the website Carousell in the Book Category.
You can also join these facebook groups to see more online book sellers:
Buy and Sell Books Philippines
Books Buy and Sell Ph
Buy and Sell Books Philippines
Book Lovers Swap and Sell Site
Second Hand Books Philippines
Book Lovers and Sellers

RISK: Scammers, and not getting the quality of the book posted so please prefer meet ups. If not, just make sure to buy from a legitimate shop or seller.

I personally haven't tried swapping books with someone but through this, you can get free books. Not technically free. Yes, you don't have to use money to get a book but you have exchange of a book of your own.

For those who didn't know the process of swapping books yet, basically you can get the book you want from another person in exchange of a book that you already have. It is like trading books with someone. No money involved, only books.

You can also find people who want to swap their books on the links I mentioned above.

RISK: Scammers so I prefer meeting up with the person you're swapping books with. Not only ensures that you're negotiating with a legitimate person but you can also examine the book you're going to receive.

If you're the kind of person who dislike secondhand books or still prefers books in mint condition but still wants to get it in a cheaper price, then you can never go wrong with book sales.

Most book shops do have sales either online or in their physical stores. You may not get it as cheap as the secondhand ones but at least you are sure of the brand new quality of the book. Either the shops have clearance sale or seasonal sale, you can still get a good deal. Online book stores like Book Depository sells books in SUPER low prices. I encourage you to check them out.

RISK: I can't think of a risk but in times of book sales like this, be sure to be there as soon as possible because stocks may be limited for your favorite book. You have to be on time. *wink*

Okay. Hold up. This is probably not the best option but if you badly want a book but never had a budget for it, then you can probably ask it as gift for your birthday, or in Christmas just in case your parents, or your ninangs and ninongs ask you something you want. The great thing is, it is definitely free.

RISK: There's no assurance you'll really get it for your birthday/in Christmas. But at least, you tried.

P.S. You can use the money you got from gifts to buy a book.

There's nothing wrong in taking chances but what matters is that at least you got a chance. There are a lot of book giveaways online. And it's completely free all you need is an internet connection, social media accounts, and most especially hope and patience (and of course, a couple of follows on specified accounts or sharing posts as part of giveaway mechanics).

The accounts that I usually see to conduct giveaways are @nbsalert on Instagram. National Book Store in general usually conducts giveaways for their followers or customers.

There are also publisher's Instagram account who also conduct giveaways like @harpercollinsuk and BookTubers (Book YouTubers) also have giveaways on their youtube channel.

RISK: Not exactly a risk, but there's a slight chance you may or may not win the giveaway.

So, these are just some of the ways on how to get cheap or free books.
If you're still wondering how to earn money, you can read Effective Money-Saving Tips for Students to find ways to earn much money to afford books.

I hope you do find these helpful in collecting your favorite books or getting to read the books that you want. You can connect with me thru my social links on the right side of my site. I do have a Vacation TBR Book List if you want to check them out and you can probably add some to your TBR list.

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