Monday, October 2, 2017

Making a Zine

With all the technology that we all have today and with all the digital messages or pictures we edit and post that we dedicate to our love ones, in my opinion, nothing beats a tradition pen and paper and a dash of sparkles.

Believe me, technology may seem innovative which makes life so easy. We can easily edit on our phones or construct messages through our keyboards or keypads. There are endless possibilities. For me, pen and paper are still the best gifts or way of conveying a message to someone.

a magazine, especially a fanzine.

You can spice up your normal pen and paper and try to challenge your creativity even more through making Zines. I first knew about this through Nadine Felice's video and Jordan Clark's Video on whom I really would like to mention because they both inspired me to make this one.

The great thing about this is that there are no rules, you don't have to be an artist to make this and all you need is a bit of inspiration and use every pinch of creativity that you have and you're good to go!

Materials you'll need:
  • 8.5x11 Coupon Bond
  • Glue
  • Decorative Materials of your Choice
              I recommend the following:
    • Construction/Art Papers (I used spare post-its)
    • Any coloring material (crayons, paint, watercolor, color pencils, etc.)
    • Decorative Tapes (such as paper tapes or washi tapes)
    • Old Gift wrappers
    • Textured Papers
    • Page Flags
    • Glitter
Tools you'll need:
  • Scissors/X-acto Knife
  • Pencil (for marking)

If you want to look for inspirations, I suggest to browse through Pinterest. There are a ton of  designs and styles there to look from.

Here's the video of the Zine that I made:

I hope I inspired/encouraged you to make a Zine too. You can give it to everyone even to your friends, family, or special someone (or even to your beloved pet).

Tag me on my social media sites in case you made one. I'd love to see them! ❤️

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