Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Favorite Drug Store Makeup Products

As soon as I was introduced in Makeup products, I was mesmerized of how it can significantly change not just your looks but also your confidence. It makes you look more presentable and fresh in a day-to-day basis. There are a lot of makeup products to choose from with different brands used varying purposes with great differences in terms of price. As a student, I am not only taking the performance of the products into consideration but the price of the product as well. Drugstore makeup...

Thursday, May 17, 2018

My Current Skin Care Routine

Hello~ I know I've been inactive lately because I'm going through things that hindered me from looking for inspirations for my blog posts and yet here we are. Today I will share my skin care routine. A quick disclaimer, I do not have perfect skin. I still have few pimple marks, bumps, large pores, and redness on my face but I can say that it was better than before and these products really helped my skin to get better. You can watch my YouTube video instead if you prefer watching than reading: Facial...

Monday, February 19, 2018

Bullet Journal Monthly Spread: February 2018

I know this is pretty late. I haven't been into blogging lately since I'm pretty busy with school and never got the chance to draft enough post to keep up. Anyways, here's a quick look in my February Spre...

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Book Review: Sad Girls by Lang Leav

I am so happy that I am finally going to make my very first book review on my blog. I'm still new to reviewing things and I hope you like this one in some way. I would like to start by saying that we all have different opinions on different things. My opinion is based on my experience and my thoughts regarding the book. You are free to like and not like a certain book and so am I. Having different opinions and interests makes this community more diverse and open. Happy reading! Title:...

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Bullet Journal Monthly Spread: January 2018

I know this January setup is super late because I'm still a bit hesitant if I am going to post this but I did anyway. I would like to thank you for all the love you have given to my 2018 Bullet Journal Setup for it got over a thousand views in less than a week and I am really grateful and happy for that!...

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Books I want to Read this 2018

I just stepped out from a very severe reading slump lately and boy oh boy I am ready to hunt some great books to read! I've been into watching BookTubers' (YouTubers who make videos about books) videos of their top favorite reads of 2017 and I created a list on my head of what I might read in the future...
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